
Peppermint Create Spain Logo

Peppermint Creates SL

Urb. Señorio de Cortes 44,
Nueva Atalaya, 29688
Estepona, Malaga, Spain
T: (+34) 951 316 553 E: info@peppermintcreate.com

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Google has announced that search results pages will no longer be well, pages. Instead, it will now be an infinite scroll or, in other words, one endless page of search results. If you pay for top-of-page ad space from Google that's not a major issue but what about for bottom-of-page advertising space when there is no longer a bottom of the page? Google has a solution for that. In short, they're redistributing ads throughout the endless scroll page, so top-of-page ads will stay at the top of the page and bottom-of-page ads will appear periodically through a user's scrolling. Local ads

In today’s digital climate, having a website is essential. Getting your business online is critical in today's world no matter what product or service you're offering. As consumer tastes and needs change so must your website and so many businesses are building new websites to meet these new demands, be it to improve the site’s aesthetics, navigation, functionality, speed or browsing experience. What many businesses fail to realise is that by building a new website, you are in jeopardy of affecting your current online positioning if you change to a new theme that is not consumer friendly or SEO friendly

Want to grow your business and your profit this year? Who doesn't, right? Let's make it happen! Bare with us on this one and start with a little visualization: No matter what your business does, no matter what your business sells, no matter how big or small your business is, envision it as a tiny plant just beginning to sprout out of the dirt in a small clay flowerpot. Can you see it? Now, what does it need to get bigger, better, and stronger? Careful nurturing of the roots, right? See where we're going with this? Yup, that's right: to

By now, whether you love them or hate them, you've probably noticed that hashtags are a part of our online lives now. And that goes double for businesses or brands looking to keep or boost their online presence But what exactly are these seemingly-random snippets of words or phrases that are popping up everywhere online and (perhaps more importantly) how can you use them to your business's advantage? Technically, hashtags are the combined word or phrase that follows the # symbol (called a hash sign in the UK or pound sign in the USA) in an online text that lets users

Despite the fear (and perhaps anticipation) otherwise, property sales are on the rise here on the Costa del Sol this year, which means the real estate market is one of the best industries to invest in, especially in 2021 and 2022 as sales figures -in both number of homes sold and the price they sell for, continue to climb upwards. Critical to this success, though, is that whether you have a large, small, local, regional, or even international real estate business, if you're going to take full advantage of this upward trend in the real estate market, you absolutely need

ANOTHER Google Update?! Yes. And this one ranks high in your need-to-know repertoire. We know this happens a lot, but trust us, this is for your own good! Google has announced that a new update will be launching soon, and anyone and everyone who has a digital presence (that's you!) really needs to sit up and take notice! In essence, the up-coming update, expected to take place literally any day now, deals strictly with user experience and how that affects your site's ranking within the Google search ranking page. Paying attention now and making the needed changes to get it right can

How Does Colour Reflect Your Personality What's your favourite colour? Ever wondered why? Love red? You're probably bold and passionate, a lover of adventure, perhaps a bit impulsive, and maybe even perceived as intimidating. Drawn to orange? We bet you're playful, fun, and admired by more people than you realise. You probably identify as an extrovert, love hosting parties and deep conversation. How about yellow? Optimistic, cheerful, and positive are probably the best adjectives to describe you. You have an infectious laugh and smile and you bring good vibes to those around you. People who claim blue as their favourite colour

We can't overstate the importance of local business micromarketing these days and a big part of that is making sure your small business is taking full advantage of Google My Business, Google's search results algorithm and page that automatically matches customers with local businesses first. While it's absolutely essential that your business has a Google My Business (GMB) profile, it's just as important to make sure it's maintained with up-to-date information, photos and reviews. However it’s importance has also inspired less-than-honourable competitors and customers to use it to discredit products, companies and brands by destroying their reputation and their SEO

Say it with me readers: I am unique. I am special. I deserve personalised products and services that are made just for me. If you have a business, especially one in Marbella, Estepona or elsewhere on the Costa del Sol, take particular note: this is the mindset of your consumers as well as consumers around the world. Bespoke products and services used to be a major marketing platform that luxury brands would take to set themselves apart and justify high prices, but in today's online world where competition runs high and everything is at their fingertips, consumers are demanding more and