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Peppermint Creates SL

Urb. Señorio de Cortes 44,
Nueva Atalaya, 29688
Estepona, Malaga, Spain
T: (+34) 951 316 553 E: info@peppermintcreate.com

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    Unless you’re brand new to SEO, there’s a good chance that you might of heard about Google EAT already. Having been around since 2014, it’s slowly become one of the most important elements of SEO. However, it’s also one of the most confusing elements – even for the experts! So, what is EAT and why should you consider it as part of your SEO strategy? Let’s find out! EAT stands for Expertise, Authority and Trust – the three very important factors that Google considers when measuring how much trust it should place in a brand or website. Google wants to provide

    When you first start your business, your focus is to bring your first customers in, getting the word out about what you do and earning your good reputation within your community and industry. Things start off well, word of mouth is a fantastic tool, but what happens when the leads run dry? Is your business doing enough to generate a steady supply of customers? Is there something that can be done? Digital Marketing is something that many businesses tend to overlook, mostly due to a lack of time. It can be too confusing or time-consuming, so we put it on the

    We knew it was coming, but in February 2022 it officially arrives: Google's latest page experience update will roll out, which means your digital marketing strategy will need to adjust itself accordingly so that your business can continue to reap the advantages of our new digital era, and grow bigger, better and more profitable than ever. Now we've known for a while that this update was in the works (Google's pretty good about announcing up-coming algorithm changes), and Peppermint's SEO gurus were already preparing for it with our blog published way back in June, but we also know that technical details,

    Google has announced that search results pages will no longer be well, pages. Instead, it will now be an infinite scroll or, in other words, one endless page of search results. If you pay for top-of-page ad space from Google that's not a major issue but what about for bottom-of-page advertising space when there is no longer a bottom of the page? Google has a solution for that. In short, they're redistributing ads throughout the endless scroll page, so top-of-page ads will stay at the top of the page and bottom-of-page ads will appear periodically through a user's scrolling. Local ads

    Google is the most visited website in the world, with 62 billion visits to it globally in 2019 alone. That same year, Google processed 3.5 billion searches every day - that’s 40,000 searches every second! Most importantly for your business, once Google has provided an answer, 90% of Google users report that they will click on the first set of results. What does this mean for you as a company? Well, to be blunt, it means that if you have any hope of your business thriving in the digital world (and let’s face it, everything’s in the digital world now, so

    Life may be returning to normal, but it is indeed, a “new normal”, especially in the marketing world. An almost instantaneous move online for both businesses and consumers alike has forced a dynamic shift in both the breadth and depth of digital marketing strategy for almost every business in existence. And while recapturing the market for your business sounds like a daunting task as we slowly move out of lockdown and into the post-coronavirus world, in reality, it doesn't have to be. A big part of the new normal consumer is one that's increasingly conscious about shopping locally and supporting their