Peppermint Create Spain Logo

Peppermint Creates SL

Urb. Señorio de Cortes 44,
Nueva Atalaya, 29688
Estepona, Malaga, Spain
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    Social media engagement is the amount of interaction other users on social media have with your brand, which is usually done through either commenting, tagging you, or sharing one of your posts. It's one of the gold standards for measuring social media effectiveness, and having high engagement means you're more likely to reach a larger audience and, hopefully, make more sales. Here are six quick tips on boosting your social media engagement if you're struggling.   Add Visuals Adding visual content to your social media posts is one of the most sure-fire ways to quickly boost engagement. People are increasingly likely to watch

    Social media marketing is on the rise and plays an ever-increasing role in any business’s digital marketing strategy. It’s a crucial step in engaging your target consumer, building your brand and increasing your business’ economic bottom line, no matter what industry you are in or what your product happens to be.   There are many social media platforms out there, including Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, LinkedIn, Snapchat, Pinterest, Digg, Blogger, Reddit, Wikis, and Stumbledupon. And one of the greatest aspects of all of them, and quite possibly why they became so popular in the first place, is that they’re a free form

    Since the dawn of Facebook way back in 2004 alongside the evolution of smartphones, social media has slowly been working its way into our lives. Now racking up a total of over 3.4 billion users worldwide, it’s safe to say that this is a pretty huge industry! With an audience like that, it’s no surprise that businesses were soon jumping at the chance to market on it - and for good reason too. With global reach, in-depth analytics, and targeted ads, it’s revolutionised the way we advertise ourselves.   So, as we move into a new year - and decade - it’s

    Peppermint has an ever-growing number of clients who are adding corporate social media to the basket of items they want from a marketing and design agency. Some of them want to reach the Marbella and Costa del Sol markets, but a substantial number of our clients want to reach to an audience far beyond Spain, especially those in the property and hospitality industries. Most clients want to connect with customers; that’s a no brainer, because social media is often where your customers turn to when they’re researching a product, and while they may not search for “Marbella apartments for sale” inside

    Peppermint Design & Marketing, like many marketing agencies in the UK, and just about everywhere, is increasingly being asked to provide a social media strategy for existing and new client brands. It isn’t enough any more to simply launch a press campaign, or circulate flyers in Marbella, or the length of the Costa del Sol; brands need to be on social media as well. Plus, with the advancement in the advertising tools provided by the top social media channels—in particular Facebook – there is a strong case for creating a social media advertising budget. Back in 2007, Mark Zuckerberg predicted that

    Sitting in southern Spain, on the beautiful Costa del Sol, we wondered what kind of ‘stocking filler’ we could give our readers this Christmas. Then we realised that one topic we haven’t touched on much is Twitter. Plus we’d just read the news that Instagram has knocked Twitter off the social media top spot, so it seemed like a good opportunity for a bit of Twitter TLC. There’s no doubt that Twitter skills are pretty different to the ones we use on Facebook: short and attention grabbing tweets are not always easy to compose and you certainly can’t do things like

    It’s standard for a business website – whether B2B or B2C - to ask its customers to subscribe to a newsletter. Gathering customers via a subscription to news is still a great way to engage with them and keep them loyal. However, you should really take advantage of this engagement by inviting them to also follow you on social media channels. This maximises customer loyalty and allows you to communicate with them in a range of different ways. It also minimises the chances of your news being lost. How might your message get lost? Well, let’s say a customer has subscribed to