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Digital Marketing Trends for 2020

It’s well-known that digital marketing evolves at insanely fast speeds. Each year it seems that there are a ton of innovations, bringing new solutions to branding and helping businesses better communicate with their audiences. But, how do you stay on top of all these changes? At Peppermint, we do it by looking ahead at the trends to come, and this year we’ve put together the most important we’ve found to help you up your marketing game in 2020.


Less Intrusive Video Ads

It’s no secret that consumers aren’t big fans of intrusive ads. In fact, a 2017 study found that the least liked ads amongst those surveyed included pop-ups and autoplay videos, both of which are incredibly intrusive. This year, it looks as though advertising platforms are starting to pay attention to this. Google Chrome, for example, is extending their ad blocking services to video ads that they consider intrusive, including mid-roll ads and ads longer than 31 seconds that can’t be skipped. The takeaway? Try and consider which of your ads your audience may see as unwanted or invasive and alter them to suit this new trend.


Conversational Marketing

These days, conversations over messenger platforms seem almost as frequent as real-life human interaction. People feel comfortable chatting like this and it’s an easy, friendly way to talk, so it makes sense that brands should utilise it; this is where conversational marketing comes in. By using chatbots and smart speakers, your business can communicate with your audience as though you’re messaging them, and in 2020 it’s set to become a pretty big deal.


In fact, Facebook has already noted this and have started evolving their own messaging services to suit the business. For example, they recently released a One-Time Notification API where customers can opt-in for automated follow-up alerts, such as a message if an item they were inquiring about comes back in stock. It’s friendly, easy, and helps build a more personal connection between your brand and your audience.


Insights Are Important

Insights and analytics have always been vital to business growth, but in 2020 it looks as though they’re about to take centre stage. In fact, the Altimeter/Prophet State of Digital Marketing report even found that businesses viewed data analysis as the most valuable skill for their future hires to have, easily beating the likes of coding/development and SEO/SEM expertise.


It’s no surprise that is becoming such a huge focus for businesses; research suggests that by putting huge importance on customer analytics, you’re 23 times more likely to outperform competitors when acquiring new customers, and 9 times more likely to have better customer loyalty. So, it’s time to start collecting data and watching those figures – it might just be the change that gives you the edge.


If you want to jump on these trends and shake up your digital marketing for 2020, our digital marketing experts at Peppermint will be happy to help. Just get in touch with any questions and lets boost your business through the power of digital.