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    Building Your 2021 Marketing Plan

    2020 forever changed the way we work and live, so it goes without saying that this year, marketing strategies will need to be exceptionally adaptable and innovative to take into account these changes and meet the demands of local and global customers.

    As lockdown orders were announced early last year, they brought with it a near overnight push into the digital world, forcing marketing to take a massive leap forward in terms of innovation. This caused plenty of reactive marketing strategies (and stress!) to business owners and consumers alike, but it also set the stage for some unique marketing trends that, now that 2021 has arrived and a sense of normalcy is returning to our lives, are really beginning to take shape.

    To take full advantage of this new marketing world, you will want your 2021 marketing plan to take these trends into consideration:

    • Technology: The obvious marketing trend for 2021 is the need to go digital. Technological advancements last year for young and old alike mean you now need to create and adapt your digital marketing strategies to the needs of a wider range of audiences. This year, together with your marketing team, you should be seriously considering the advantages of using artificial intelligence, augmented reality, voice command, and other technological advancements in your digital marketing plan.
    • Flexibility: Although the Covid-19 situation around the world is stabilizing, it is still an on-going obstacle that marketing plans will need to overcome in 2021. Predict unpredictability and make sure your marketing plan and budget is flexible enough to meet changing environments quickly so that you can take advantage of whatever changes come to this year’s economic landscape.
    • Data Collection: 2020 put a lot of businesses into survival mode, with last-minute updates and changes to business and marketing plans that got them through the year, but left them an uneasy sense of identity. This year it is more important than ever to create a proactive marketing plan so you can regain the sense of certainty that was lost. A professional marketing team that can collect and process consumer data trends for your business, products, and services will be an unmatched advantage this year.
    • Blending of Sales Channels: Local, national, and international regulations, coupled with personal circumstances, fears, and needs have created a need for consumers to shop in-person and digitally with in-store, click and collect, online, and home delivery services used simultaneously. Any given consumer can quickly change their sales channel preference at any time, meaning that this year, your business should offer seamless integration of as many options as possible to avoid losing out.
    • Preference for Local: An unforeseen lockdown caused a surge for online retail giants, but as the initial panic of the moment wore off, there has been (and continues to be) a huge push to support local businesses. This means that new, emerging, or small shops and local services can easily compete in the new economy. The key to success here is maintaining a strong marketing plan that embraces the digital marketing trend to create a brand identity that sets you apart and gets you seen.

    The marketing team here at Peppermint ( a leading creative and digital marketing agency, based in Estepona, Marbella) are experts in strategy and implementation of marketing plans to help you build, grow, and track your business success no matter what industry you are in. Our experts have the skills and experience needed to navigate these new trends and offer insight into ways you can embrace them to create a marketing plan that will help your business -large or small, new or established, thrive this year and beyond. Get in touch with us today to get started!