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    The importance of Branding

    The Importance of Branding

    Peppermint is a local leader in branding for small, established businesses, major global corporations, new startups, and those with rebranding needs alike. But why is branding important at all? To answer that all-important question, we first need to know what branding is.


    What is Branding?

    A brand is like a fingerprint. It’s a completely unique way that others can use to identify you. Your brand should be singular and unique in a way that sets the entire tone for your business, what it does, and what it stands for. It should capture your clients’ attention and hold it for as long as you need it to, across every platform they interact with you on. It’s a tall order for any business, no doubt, but it’s also absolutely essential to business success.


    Why is Branding Important?

    • Branding forces you to reflect on what’s important to you. Being able to summarize everything you know and love about what you do and what your offer, is an amazing skill that customers appreciate. Think of it as giving your elevator pitch to millions, if not billions, of potential customers worldwide. Woah.
    • Branding sets you apart. A picture says a thousand words –how many great things can you say about yourself in 1000 words? A lot, we assume, so why not translate them into a brand that you can successfully use over and over again?
    • Branding lets you connect emotionally with your customers, employees, and public. By using your brand in unique, inspiring, and memorable ways across media platforms, a brand identity lets you set the emotional tone of who you are and what you stand for in business and in life. And when people connect with you on an emotional level, they are more likely to become customers and brand ambassadors for your company.
    • Branding gives you confidence. Take that scary leap of faith in your business strategy that could pay off big time knowing that you have a great brand to showcase your amazing products and services.
    • Branding creates and improves employee morale. Creating a company culture centered around the positive aspects of your business and what it provides is directly reflected in how employees interact with customers. A great brand builds personal cheerleaders from the inside of the company itself –could you ask for a better selling strategy?
    • Branding creates customer loyalty. When customers are involved in and feel connected to a brand, they are much more likely to become repeat customers, recommend you to their friends and family, and proudly display your products (or boast about your services) in general, creating an exponential opportunity for business growth.
    • Branding brings in more money. There’s no doubt: when you have a successful brand, your financial bottom line is better. As simple as that. Branding is one of the very best ways of increasing your profit and has the potential to offer one of the greatest returns on investment in your marketing budget.


    Large or small, established or just starting up, every business needs a great brand and a smart branding strategy. But branding is an art as much as it is a science. Inconsistent branding or even just subtle changes to it can alter its effectiveness for the better or worse, which is why businesses, large and small alike, often –and rightly, turn to professional help to get their branding just right. Our branding experts at Peppermint have the skills and experience to get your brand up and running with the precision and consistency that you need. Get in touch and let us get your brand working for you today!