
Peppermint Create Spain Logo

Peppermint Creates SL

Urb. Señorio de Cortes 44,
Nueva Atalaya, 29688
Estepona, Malaga, Spain
T: (+34) 951 316 553 E: info@peppermintcreate.com

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    Do you remember a time when this symbol # meant ‘number’? It wasn’t even widely used in UK English and I recall seeing “Rainy Day Women #12 & 35 on Bob Dylan’s “Blonde on Blonde” album and wondering what the ‘#’ was. It’s been lurking around on phone keypads for some time, again with little reason to use it, but suddenly, this oddball symbol from outer fringes of ‘Symboldom’ has become the most important social media tool bar none. According to Costa del Sol social media expert Fiona Catchpowle, who is also known as #AskCyberGran, the hashtag “represents an important social